Dear colleague,
From September 16 to 22, it's Mobility Week. The Brussels Regional CGSLB invites you to take action for better mobility in Brussels.
Travel is an integral part of our lives, whether it's to go to work, accompany the children, or enjoy leisure activities. These moments can be a source of relaxation and fun. Do you juggle with your scooter or skateboard? Do you cross beautiful landscapes by traveling by bike or train?
Share it!
The Brussels Regional Office of ACLVB/CGSLB is organizing a photo competition on the theme of mobility during Mobility Week: take a photo of yourself, alone, with your friends, with colleagues, or with your family, using an alternative mode of transport to the car, and send it before 19th September, 2024, to
The photos received will be published daily on the CGSLB-ACLVB Facebook page
“Go Brussels” and the non-profit “ATIS” page ( Facebook )
Be original, unusual, funny and above all, show us what mode of transport you have adopted! Three photos will be chosen by a jury composed of members of the Regional staff and will be rewarded .
We, the CGSLB@ING team, are also participating.
Three photos of “ING employees” will be selected and will win a prize.
Send it to our email box before 24th September 2024: BE-CGSLB-ACLVB